Sunday, March 27, 2016


OH PRAGUE! My love. I had planned to meet up with Andy, a girl I had met on a Facebook travel group at the bus station in Prague. She had arrived a few days before and because of all the problems I had experienced with getting lost previously I thought it would be easier to meet there right away. After I arrived she told me she would be a little late so I found a coffee shop to hang out for a while. Apparently we didn't communicate the name of the station properly because I quickly realized she was at a different one than me. She said she would walk over and be there in 5 minutes. About an hour later I finally heard back that she was there but we could not find each other. 1 more hours of running around search for each other it turns out we were at the same place there was just two separate parts that you couldn't see from where either of us were. After 3 hours of searching I finally found Andy and her friend James and we went to the hostel.

Our hostel was a 1 minute walk from the center square. Just a small walk down a little side street and we were there. Which was amazing because we were so close to everything!
My room was in the old side of the building that had huge painted cathedral ceilings and a great view. And as a bonus I had the place to my self. After settling in we decided to do a pub crawl to meet some new people. Where we met some Austrians boys and Irish girls and danced all night long. 

The night before we had decided to  do a walking tour the next morning. After a breakfast of huge crepes and some of the best fresh juice I've had we met up with our group. James was going to come with us but some how ended up in another. A super tiny group but we saw a lot of Prague. The old city, new city and Jewish quarters. Learned a lot, saw beautiful stuff. What more could you ask for? 

Prague in my opinion is one of the most beautiful places I've seen. Cobble stone streets and maintained old architecture. (Not like other places where there is only buildings mixed in with new architecture.) And I absolutely love it. 

James (we finally met up with him after he ditched us forever. Apparently he didn't know we were supposed to be best friends) had heard rumor of a monastery where monks made the best beer. So we trekked up the hill to find them. 

In a beautiful, peaceful monastery we found the small pub and enjoyed the drink we had been looking for. 

James again had heard rumor of the best goulash in Prague, and possibly all of the Czech Republic. It was on our way down the hil so we had no choice but to go. And it was amazing. 

We decided to take James to one of the clubs we had been to on our pub crawl. We had been jokingly terribly dancing all day long and when we got to the club it carried on. It was a Tuesday so the club wasn't bumpin too hard and we were the first ones on the dance floor. A lot of passionate fist pumps and arm flails later we were tearing up the dance floor. And as it turns out we all could actually dance very well. So about 50% terrible dancing mixed with 50% throwing down hard core moves made for an incredible evening of dance offs. 

The next morning it was snowing when we woke up. INCREDIBLE. It looked like a snow globe. 

We made snow angels and a snow baby named Henry and got in a snow ball fight with a 4 year old who ambushed me and James. 

The snow made all the cobble stones slippery which made everything more exciting. But trying to slide down an uneven street is a lot easier said then done. 

We started in the Jewish quarters looking at all the museums and the cemetery. 

(A old synagogue that has all the names of the Jews in the area that were killed in the holocaust) 

(The Jewish cemetery is above ground now because they wouldn't give them any more land. So the people had to start burying bodies on top of others. There is now 12 layers of bodies in the cemetery.)

(Ceiling of an old synagogue   That is now a Jewish history museum)

Next we wanted to explore the castle. James convinced me we didn't need a map and we just wandered the streets until we found one that looked good. And we actually found it. 

(James running to show size comparison)
(James standing the middle right next to the castle)

We paid to go to the top and took the  spiral stairs. 

We decided to find a traditional Czech meal and wandered around and wouldn't stop till we found a small restaurant with a menu that we couldnt understand the menu. We went back and met up with Andy and strolled through the streets at night. We found a bar that was 3 floors underground and just got more and more man cave the deeper you went. The very bottom was like a cave and every once of space was covered in taxidermied animals. The only other people in there were men over the age of 50. Andy was sick and decided to head out after we finished there so we went bar close to my hostel where we could sit and chat and just BS for a little while. And we did until we were the only ones in there and they had put up all be chairs and locked the doors. Once we were kicked out we danced (very literally) through the streets. 
Andy had to go to Budapest next because she was flying from there to Paris in a few days. So I decided to buy a bus ticket and go with her. The next morning walked back to the bus station that I had been dropped off but that wasn't the right one so we had to very quickly walk 2 miles to the right station where we made our bus with about 20 seconds to spare. 

High point: The most beautiful city. Also great company that made everything more interesting. 

Low point: Uhh...leaving! Also being at the bus station alone trying to find people I had never met for 3 hours and it getting dark and wondering if I would ever find anyone ever again. 

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