Thursday, March 31, 2016

Rome-as told by James

OK first day 
Great navigation
Walked around colloseum and cat carpark walked past the forum saw it from the outside
Plus went inside that awesome church with all that awesome artwork and cool ceiling 
That same day we saw the pyramid 
And the keyhole
Didn't realise we did so much that day 
Day 2
We had coffee and Introduced you to how fricken great italian croissants are
We queue jumped the f*** out of the colloseum because we are important people 
When we came out we went to the forum getting lost at first because the entrance was closed but we found it eventually 
You also danced next to this cool fountain
Also the first day I forgot to say we saw the story of jesus in near that small church thing 
Back to the 2nd day though after the forum we went back and o believe that is the day we were looking for that awesome restaurant which took ages and we were craving pasta 
But it was closed ...
So we went back had some food at that restaurant near the hostel 
And we then went to the trevi fountain where we made ate ice cream, laughed at tourists and made some Asian friends with peace signs
As you can see you are peacing out right there
We also had a lil walk to see what the colloseum was like at night
Day 3
Big day aging wake up
Treat ourselves to a coffee and croissant again
Only picture I have got but we audioguide the shit out of the dead people bones place 
And get a little bit spooky
Next thing we venture of to the search for the vatican 
Walking down all those little streets trying to make it to the river, which eventually found
After crossing so lots or little things which we arnt to sure what they are but they are there
For example
2nd one we now know is illuminati territory 
We also found the vatican and walked around an entire state
We then had a coffee and decided on booking the airbnb for a couple of night be a use we were both pretty tired 
And you were ill
We went home we did have plans that evening but I decided we should both nap and we would go for sushi after
You never woke up so I ate pizza and drank wine alone
Eventually you woke up and we booked the place 
Did some shopping 
Went for lunch and I had that lasagne
But didn't do to much mainly just relaxed
I also cooked us pasta
Day 5
We discovered the greatness of mozzarella and sam while walking the streets thought we should be a bit more productive 
Again I believe we got out of bed late 
We also rested quite a lot I believe 
You were still pretty ill
And we decided on venice and booked that
And then went for sushi in the evening
And the next day we set off on our travels to venice and the taxi driver got lost but we made it because we .... are great navigators 
And that aubree 
Is the best time line I can do for you 

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