Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Day 2- Travel Day: let's get to Europe..maybe

The months leading up to my trip I started feel the test. The closer I got the more things seem to happen.  Things constantly going wrong, unusual expenses popping up, everything just felt as though the closer I got the harder life was pushing back against me as if taunting me, seeing how bad I actually want it.  Luckily I had a lot of help and had some how finally made it. It's the night before I leave. I'm all set up I'm all pulled together. Now it was just a matter of just showing up at the airport. I felt an itch in my throat I had felt many times before, I knew I was having an allergic reaction to something, I assumed it was a perfume I put on but it didn't seem like a big deal so I took some allergy medicine and headed out to a friends house. However it picked up. Worse and worse. I felt my throat and chest tingling, my throat was swollen almost completely shut and I was having a hard time breathing. But being the way that I am, I figured 'aw I'll just take some Benadryl and I'll be fine. After fighting with my self internally for quite a while thinking i could just fight through it, my vision started going blurry, I couldn't think clearly and I knew I wasn't getting enough oxygen. I realized I couldn't fight through it and I needed help or I could really be in trouble. Cut to the hospital where I am hooked up to an iv getting medicine pumped in and handed a prescription for an epipen and steroids. Looks like a serious allergic reaction that lead to a panic attack. This is only hours before I am supposed to be on my flight to Copenhagen. But hey, I can sleep on the plane. 
I get to the SLC airport later than expected (thanks rush hour) and started to worry about getting to my plane on time. Also knowing mikalya was even further behind me. Luckily security was smooth and I got there just before boarding. The flight to LAX was calm and relatively uneventful. I sat next to a great lady who told me stories about her family, past travels and future plans. She was a travel agent and an experienced travel and had a lot of advice to offer me. Her stories calmed my nerves. Next a small lay over in LAX where we moved to the international terminal and laid on benched and talk to our families before we left to go over seas where phone calls would be very expensive. While waiting a group of three guys asked us to watch their stuff. We promised to try not to steal everything. It turned out they were on the same flight as us and would be staying in Copenhagen for a few days. After chatting for a few minutes we exchanged numbers and boarded the plane. Our flight from LA to Copenhagen was crazy cheap and we weren't sure what to expect so we were pleasantly surprised when the place was very nice, comfortable(as comfortable as a flight in coach can be) personal screens with movies, shows and games and even had rainbow lights across the ceiling. Me and Mikalya both took a sleep aid and tried to sleep the whole flight. We were only mildly successful. I snuck in a few movies and a little drawing. Overall out 10.5 hour flight didn't seem too bad at all. Except for the part where we didn't get food and everything smelt amazing and we thought we might starve to death. I had waited for that this is actually happening moment but even when we landed it still didn't feel real. The man welcomed me to Denmark and gave me my first stamp in my passport. As we past through customs we ran into our friends and decided to share a cab down to their hotel to save money. As well as to store our bags because we had nowhere to put them till 5 that night and would prefer not to have to carry them all day. (Calm down mom, they weren't really strangers! We had known them for 2 different days)

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