Monday, February 22, 2016

Back to Copenhagen

Disclaimer: there is sensitive information in this post that may not be shared with certain people. Specifically my grandparents. If you know George and Gerry or Dixie and Arthur, please do not share the information contained in this post. It is better for them this way. Thanks in advance.

Our flight took us back to where we had started. Copenhagen! from being there before we knew what we wanted to do. First stop, Christiania. Walking out of airport security we we're approached by a guy our age from Canada who was solo traveling and asked if he could tag along with us. With it being mine and Mickalyas last day together (here is where the sensitive info starts) we hesitated a little bit, but in the end we decided to let him come along. We took the bus into town that seemed to take forever. And got back to city center. It was nice to be in a place that felt familiar. We wandered our way down to Christiania taking our Canadian friends down the streets that we loved. We had visited Christiania before but only at night and my biggest draw to it was the art, which we couldn't see very well at night. So I was very excited to soak it all in during the day. We walked in and it was like a whole other place from when we had been before. Art covers basically every inch of everything there. Which is like a dream land for me. (However there is a no photography rule so we didn't get many pictures) 

We had been told that occasionally the police try to crack down on the drug selling in Christinia (rumor has it you can get anything you want there. Not just the weed. The police use the "other" category to be able to confiscate and make arrests) but it doesn't happen very often. While we were walking through the streets we saw a group of guys take off running down the the street away from the center but didn't think much of it until we saw a huge group of police in raid gear running through the main streets. The people of Christiania were filming the police and the police were filming the people of Christiania. We saw one man and at least 6 big paper bags being carried away. 
After going to the top Christiansborg Palace to check out the view. 

Through the streets of Copenhagen you see carts selling varietys of hot dogs. We decided it was time to try them. They poke a hole into a long roll and fill it with condiments then goes the bacon wrapped sausages we ordered. 
We spent our remaining hours wandering Strøget and drinking coffee watching the people walk by. 
As we got back to my hostel we sat and talked about our trip together and how amazing everything had been. The hardest times mixed with the beyond best of the best. I wouldn't change a thing. I hugged mick good bye as she got into her taxi. I was alone. (Sensitive info alert) I then celebrated by proceeding to pass out from pure exhaustion for the next 12 hours. 

High point: Christiania art work
Low point: saying good bye to Mickalya 

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