Friday, February 12, 2016

Day 3- Copenhagen

High point: being able to say "I am in Europe" and knowing that I had actually started out on something I'd wanted for so long and worked so hard for. It was all real. 
Low point: getting lost (google maps is the enemy) finally getting to the little mermaid and being so exhausted

 It was about 11 am local time when we headed out on the town. We walked through streets filled with old architecture and beautiful colors. 

We all commented that it felt so calm for a city. Even though we were downtown no one was honking and yelling. It was incredibly, surprisingly peaceful. The people all seemed to be very happy and kind. There were hundreds of bikes lined up in designated spots at least every block, sometimes more. Everyone seemed to have a place to be but weren't in any real hurry to get there. Yelp reviews helped the 5 of us decide on a restaurant called cocks&cow and we strolled down the streets that way. Stopping to stare in awe at buildings, sculptures and views. The restaurant was small and trendy. We say in cozy chairs while eating very fresh and flavorful burgers and fries. (Instead of a burger I got a sandwich cut pieces of stake and salt and vinegar fries. Everything was very different flavor a from anything I've had in the states and I loved it) We giggled about the names of the sandwiches, the American which was the biggest and obviously most unhealthy of the options, the Illegal a racy name but they didn't care, the treehugger a vegetarian option. We wandered down to Strøget which is famous for being the longest and oldest shopping street in the world. 

Peaking in and out of alley ways to find new surprises. We went back and picked up our packs and left the guys (who wanted to sleep but who has time for jet lag) and headed out to find more treasures. A lengthy walk (lengthy but with it because we got to walk down the street of colorful buildings we had wanted to see) 

got us to the little mermaid statue which is a popular tourist attraction in Copenhagen. Which is odd to me because it was the smallest and least detailed of any of the statues we had seen that day. 

Not wanting to walk anymore we called an uber to take us to the house of the couch surfer host's home (Mom don't look up couch surfers. Just know it's a trust worthy place to meet and stay with people that's all you need to know) His name was Delan and he had a great apartment right on the water in downtown Copenhagen. We got settled in and showered. Delan offered to show us around some of the places we hadn't seen yet. Starting with Christiania, a community in Copenhagen that is separate and also (mom close your eyes) a green light district. It was explained that weed wasn't necessarily legal, just that no one really did anything about it there.  We wanted to see all of the art that covered really everything there. What was saw was pretty whacky starting with open windows into a community bath house where we got an unexpected show. Then walked down rows lined with little shacks with fabric low enough to cover the faces of the people behind. Selling space cakes, rolled joints and "everything else". The rules posted in Christiania were 
-no photos 
-no running
-have fun 
Next we swung over the the opera house to look around at the architecture there and across the water. Copenhagen was beautiful at night. We had a flight to London early the next morning so we headed back and attempted to watch The Shining but ended up being a little too exhausted for that. When we bought our ticket to Copenhagen it was just because it was a cheap flight and had no expectations. We didn't think we would even really like it. But we fell in love with the city.

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