Monday, February 22, 2016


High point: our second hostel and the friends we made there . 
Low point: lost....why are we always lost?

We arrived in Bergamo at 1 am. We got through customs easily and moved to find out bus. From the station it took us to there was about a 45 minute walk...and we had 1% battery. Google maps once again took us on a loop everywhere we didn't need to be. Mick was wearing her bright pants(pictured below) that got a LOT of attention from people everywhere. (In London people would stop and stare, give weird looks, whisper, SING and even a security guard carrying a gun walked up to us very aggressively, but ended up commenting on the pants.) We were getting a very similar amount of attention in the middle of this night in a 'not so nice' area of Milan. Some how, by the grace of God we made it to our hostel before our phones died. In the morning we got up for breakfast of little packaged cakes and bread (aka mostly air with a little bit of grain) we were ready to move on to our next hostel. It was a rainy day in Milan, as well as a Sunday so there wasn't as many people on the streets or food places open. When we found our hostel(about an 1 20 hour walk) we were soaking wet. We took a minute to dry off and charge phones so we could get out with out being stranded. Our main plan was to get to Luini's and the Duomo. Google maps got us again(you would really think we would have found a different option by now) and turned what should have been a 15 minute walk into a 3 hour trek through the pouring rain. Now imagine the extreme disappointment after we had just gone through that and we found out Lunini's was closed. Luckily it was right by the Duomo. At this point we were so soaked and so tired that after about 10 minute there we dicided to go back to our hostel and get changed and showered. 3 wrong ways later, maps got is back to our hostel. A total of about 6 hours spend lost in the rain. 

Feeling discouraged because our only full day in Milan did not go as planned we sat in the common area eating cake to solve our problems. This is when our night started to turn around. We met an Australian girl named Stephanie who was also indulging in pre-dinner cake. Next a man from Portugal working at the hostel stated to chat us up. Then a man from Algeria. The group just kept growing. We bonded over a free meal in the hostel. Some Korean boys sat by us for a time and made us laugh. Then another Australian. We chatted for a long time until we decided to go out for gelato. At which point a crazy Moroccan man joined us. 2 Americans, 2 Australians and 2 North Africans walk into a gelato shop.... It could have a great punch line. From the 'ultimate selfie' to the Moroccan man asking if he could 'make a pee-pee' on the statue, to the Algerian man asking me to come to Paris with him so he could "show me a great time and sleep together" (which I turned down, which turned into him saying his trip was ruined and over and he was going home In the morning) this night was so full of random moments. Drinks, snacks and laughter continued as we sat around the table back at the hostel. One by one we moved up to our rooms. 

The Algerian was talking about how he had a room all to hisself and we thought that was so crazy because we did too...then we walked into the same room. He kept saying it was "so embarrassing" that we were sharing a room. Then somehow all the girls gravitated up in the kitchen to eat left over pasta, dance and talk about the nights events. Back in our room our Algerian friend was nowhere to be found. We thought he was hiding waiting to jump out, which wasn't actually the case. He walked in got in his underwear wrapped a towel around his waste and went to bed. 

The next day we didn't have much time to get everything done (we were determined) so we woke up early and headed out to the Duomo, aka Milan cathedral. Enjoyed the beauty and snapped some pics...

And moved on to be first in line for Luini's... Which we were! Woot woot. 

We started walking back to the bus station to get back to the airport. Once again Google maps took us to the wrong location(it is really getting old at this point) and yet another uber got us to the train station where we got approached by a woman who asked us if we needed to go to the airport then got us tickets and pointed us to the right bus (finally something easy) one quick flight later we were on our way to Brussels. 

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