Friday, February 12, 2016

Day 5- London

High point: incredible street art. 
Low point: being frantically lost trying to make our flight. 

We woke up to the sounds of construction right outside out window. The night while in the melts chairs we had decided to try to go on a walking tour to see the street art(especially banksy) The starting point was about 1 h 20 min walk from where we were staying.  We got to see even more of the amazing eye candy veiws London has. 

We arrived early and exuded to get a "proper" English breakfast and slipped into the nearest pub we found. 

Poached eggs, sausage, ham, beans, tomatos/mushrooms and toast. We enjoyed every bite...maybe too much because by the time we finished we were too late for our tour. But that wouldn't stop us from seeing some amazing street art. We headed first toward the London bridge. It was so close to us and we wanted to check it off our list. We were much further away than expected but it still looked nice! Like a little castle bridge. 

We followed along the bank of the river to try to find the Borough markets that had been suggested to me by our English roommate. So many smells came from the carts of food being made and sold. Everything from sweets to grilled cheese to goats milk hot chocolate. Being so full from breakfast we didn't have much more than a few samples. 
Shakespeare's globe was right around the corner so we said "why not check it out" and set off on the river side road again. 

We started to see more street performers, including a man who was sitting on top of a vintage radio playing some old school music. He was playing a tuba that was shooting flames out of the top. A FLAME THROWING TUBA. 

We were very impressed with his show. There was a man making giant bubbles that we danced around in, dancers, acrobats and more. 

We spotted some street art and begun our self made tour. 

But we hadn't seen any banksy yet, who had been our main goal to find. Some Google research gave us a vague location. At this point my feet, specially my Achilles, were in so much pain I could barely walk. So I had gained a massive limp.
Limping around we peeked down a possible street and there she was! The falling shopper. 

Right in time to meet our time schedule. Off to the hostel to get our bags and the location of the bus station that would take us to the airport. It was about an hour walk. When we got close we started to notice a LOT of construction going on in the area. When we got to the place google maps was telling us we should be it was pretty obvious something wasn't right. Running to peek down streets and alley ways we had no clue where we were going. A man pointed us in the "correct" direction. Not actually correct because it took us on a giant look right back to where we had been previously. We were running out of time and getting more stressed out and the minutes went by. Many questioned strangers later we could see the top of the building we needed to go to. In the exact opposite location that the signs pointed to. Running in we found it was an enormous train station. Once again we had to ask many people where to go...and we were in the wrong place. We had to leave the building and run down the street to the bus station that was separate. By the time we got there we were too late to catch our bus. So uber it was...again. Our driver couldn't find us and ended up about 10 minutes away from where we were standing in the rain. I talked to him on the phone telling him the street names and that we were by the Starbucks. He assured me he had no idea where that was. Ha! We ran after and flagged down a Prius we thought was his, throw in our bags and go to jump on the car. Once again it isn't our uber. Back out we stood on the median of the road trying to flag down any Prius cars. Finally we could see him and ran and jumped in while he was sitting at a light. We both got stopped in security to get our bags checked and I wasn't sure we would make our flight on time. But we did! Off to our next destination: Milan, Italy. 

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